"I knew then and I know now, when it comes to justice, there is no easy way to get it."

- Claudette Colvin

The Clerk's Black History Series Full Series PDF

Dulcina DeBerry 

Guion "Guy" Bluford

Elizabeth Taylor Greenfield

Joseph Henry Douglas

Pauli Murray

Thomas H. Freeman

James Andrew Harris

Jackie Tonawanda

Charlie Wiggins

Nannie Helen Burroughs

Frederick McKinley Jones

Hazel M. Johnson

Canada Lee

Darlene Anderson

Luisa "Lucy" Harris

June Bacon-Bercey

Engine Company 21

Alexander Miles

Elbert Frank Cox



"As long as the people don't fear the truth, there is hope. For once they fear it, the one who tells it doesn't stand a chance.”


― Alice Walker

The Clerk's Black History Series Full PDF

Zandra Flemister

Jack Leroy Cooper

Lucy "Aunt Lucy" Higgs Nichols

Frank Cavalier Braxton, Jr. 

Barbara Hillary

George Shirley

Dr. Alexander Thomas Augusta

Eunice Carter

Thomas Fountain Blue

Harry Pace & Black Swan Records

Tent City/Fayette County TN

Toni Stone

Moses "Fleet" Fleetwood Walker

Jane Matilda Bolin

Benjamin "Benny" Hardy

Armelda Hattie Greene & the Golden 14

Eddie "The Sheik" Gardner

Saltwater Railroad

William T. Shorey


“Those who have no record of what their forebears have accomplished lose the inspiration which comes from the teaching of...history.”

― Carter G. Woodson

Carter G. Woodson

Sarah Marshall Boone

Archie Franklin Williams

E. E. Ward Moving & Storage Co. 

The Wingo Sisters

Hiram Rhodes Revels

Shuffle Along (1921)

Edmonia Lewis

Charles R. Drew

Florence Beatrice Smith Price

William H. West

Anne Raven Wilkinson

Paul Revere Williams

Harry and Harriet Moore

Gloria Richardson

Shady Rest Gold & Country Club

Willa B. Brown

Ralph Elwood Brock

Opal Lee

The Clerk's Black History Series 2023 Full PDF


“Knowing your generational story firms the ground upon which you stand.
It makes your life, your struggles and triumphs, bigger than your lone existence.”

― Cicely Tyson, Just as I Am

Nicodemus, Kansas

Gerald "Jerry" Lawson

Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner

The Clerk's Black History Series 2022 Full PDF

Mary Jane Patterson

Ernest "Ernie" Barnes Jr. 

John Baxter Taylor, Jr.  

Elizabeth "Bessie" Coleman

Gladys Alberta Bentley

Burl A. Toler Sr. 

Grace Towns Hamilton 

Robert "Lee" Elder

Roger Arliner Young

Ron Husband

Prathia Laura Ann Hall

Jan Ernst Matzeliger

Cicely Tyson

Azie Taylor Morton

Ernest Frederick Morrison, Jr. 

Dianne Patrice Durham 


“I am and always will be a catalyst for change. ”

― Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisolm

Charles Richard Patterson

Jackie Ormes

Willie Eldon O'Ree

Bessie Virginia Blount Griffin

Emlen Lewis Tunnel 

Constance Baker Motley

 Jesse L. Brown

Alice Coachman Davis

Walter Francis White

Linda Martell

Max Robinson

James "Jack" Wormley Jones

Alice Ball

Dr. Frederick Douglass Patterson

Ida Gray Nelson Rollins

Phyllis Whealtey Women's Clubs

Sylvia Elizabeth Mathis

Henry Ossawa Tanner

The Clerk's Black History Series 2021 PDF


“A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very
much not ourselves - a special kind of double.”

― Toni Morrison

"The Harp" 

Matthew Henson 

Sister Rosetta Tharpe

Doris "Dorie" Miller

Yvonne Brathwaite Burke

Muhammad Ali

Charity Edna Adams Earley

Nick Gabaldon

Robert H. Lawrence, Jr. 

Amanda "Mandy" Randolph 

Ella Fitzgerald and Count Basie

Raye Montegue 

Dr. Patricia Bath 

Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson

Adrienne Bennett

Wendell Oliver Scott

Lelia K. Foley-Davis

The Clerk's Black History Series 2020 PDF


“The mere imparting of information is not education. ”

― Carter G. Woodson

Selma H. Burke

Lincoln Motion Picture Co.

Cathay Williams / William Cathay

Carter Godwin Woodson

"Big Mama" Thornton

Charles W. Follis

Alice Allison Dunnigan

Cheyney University

John Mercer Langston

Ethel Waters

Dr. George R. Carruthers

Georgia Ann Hill Robinson

Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing

Provident Hospital

Althea N. Gibson

Viola Irene Desmond

Simeon S. Booker Jr.

Dr. Alexa Canady

Bass Reeves

The 2019 Clerk's Black History Series Full PDF


“A spirit of harmony can only survive if each of us remembers, when bitterness and
self-interest seemto prevail, that we share a common destiny. ”

― Barbara C. Jordan

Mary Eliza Mahoney

Lewis Howard Latimer

Barbara Charline Jordon

Mary "Stagecoach Mary" Fields

William DeHart Hubbard

William Harvey Carney

Atlanta's First Black Police Officers

John Arthur "Jack" Johnson

Georgia Teresa "Tiny" Gilmore

Juanita Hall

Ernie Davis

Bessie Smith

William Washington Brown

Dr. Barbara Ross-Lee

E. Frederic Morrow

Dorothy Pitman Hughes


“I didn’t find out until that day … that I was left out of the Constitution.”  

― Dr. Olivia J. Hooker

Mary Alexander

Vivien Thomas

Benjamin Oliver Davis Sr. 

Bessie Stringfield

Dr. Olivia J. Hooker

Henry Ossian Flipper

Alexander Lucius Twilight

Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr. 

Condredge Holloway

Fanny Jackson-Coppin

Gordon Parks

Lonnie G. Johnson

Ruth Ella Moore

Xernona Clayton

The 2017 Clerk's Black History Series PDF