Real Estate / eRecord
Real Estate / eRecord
The Clerk of Superior Court has the duty to record, process, and archive all documents relating to real estate. The Clerk makes these documents available to the general public and the legal community for individual searches via computer in our public access room and online.
The Real Estate Division is comprised of Document Intake, Processing, and Data Entry. Additionally, the Clerk records electronic filing of UCC’s, state revenue, tax liens, Trusts, and various FIFA’s to best serve the citizens of DeKalb.
Effective January 1, 2025, HB 1292 REQUIRES eRecording for all Real Estate Documents
The DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court is currently accepting real estate documents through e-recording. The following resources accept e-Record files:
Please visit one of the links below to connect to an e-Recording resource.
Changes in Filing Fees
Effective January 1, 2020 - House Bill 288
For more information:
Important Notice from - TLS Migration
On September 15, 2019 the Georgia Superior Court Clerks' Cooperative Authority eFile and eFile Registry websites will discontinue support for TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 requiring TLS 1.2. This will affect calls to the various provided web based APIs and will prevent certain older, out-of-date browsers from working on our websites.
for more information please visit:
Effective January 1, 2017 — Mandatory efiling of Plats
The DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court records and indexes all DeKalb County real estate deeds, plats, condominium floor plans, Uniform Commercial Code Filings (UCC), General Execution Docket and Lien filings, Military Discharges and other real estate documents.
This division is also responsible for personal property recordings. Personal property is recorded as a UCC Financing Statement. The purpose of this recording is to provide public notice that personal properties located in DeKalb County have outstanding liens against them.
The Real Estate Division receives and processes over 204,500 documents affecting title to real estate each year, which is equivalent to more than 641,500 pages, and requires approximately 800 virtual deed books available in the Record Room for public access each year. Over 26,500 mortgages are cancelled each year, and more than 82,000 cross-references are entered as a result of changes or amendments to deeds or mortgages.
On February 24, 2014, Clerk Debra DeBerry debuted an online Property Fraud Registry Alert System. The system was designed to provide property owners with the ability to register properties and receive notifications when certain real estate and personal property records are filed with, indexed, transmitted or recorded on their real property. This system gave DeKalb property owner an extra level of assurance that a fraudulent filing would not go unnoticed.
The new FANS (Filing Activity Notification System) is an upgraded, modern version that give homeowners the same email alert, if something is filed on their property, or properties of family members.
* If you were registered with the previous system, you will need to re-register with the current FANS system.
To register, go to:
Clerk Debra DeBerry and Detective from DeKalb County Police Department discuss the importance of the Property Fraud Registry.
Since the passage of House Bill 1292 on January 1, 2025, ALL Real Estate Filing are Required to be eFiled through the apporved eFiling Sites listed above.
Request for copies by mail
Request for Certified Copies via eCertification Portal
Certified documents can be accessed via eCertification Portal. You will create an account and submit a request. The Clerk's Office will review your request and if possible, submit your certified documents via the eCertification Portal. You will have six (6) days to pay for the documents. If you do not pay for the documents within the six (6) days, your request will be automatically rejected and you will need to resubmit your request.
Copy request fees are; Certified $2.50 for the first page .50 cents for each additional page.
Regular copies are $1.00 per page.
Plat copies are $2.00 per page.
Enclose your payment; Cashier’s Check, Money Order or Attorneys Check, payable to Dekalb County Clerk of Court
Clerk of Superior Court
Attn: Real Estate
556 N. McDonough ST, Ground Floor
Decatur GA 30030
Only original, national forms are accepted. Acknowledgment copies are mailed to the address provided in block 16 the day of recording. No rush recording provided. No forms provided. UCC forms available online at
Effective January 1, 2022 – Mandatory E-filing of Uniform Commercial Code Filings (UCC)
The DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court’s Real Estate Department records and indexes all DeKalb County Uniform Commercial Code Filings (UCC). Only original, national forms are accepted. No rush recording provided. No forms provided. All UCC forms are available online at
- Outdated form (form must have Revision Date no older than 04/20/11)
- Missing information (e.g. Acknowledgment, Debtor, Secured Party)
- Handwritten (information on form must be typed, not handwritten)
- Illegible (must be in legible format)
- Contains personal/sensitive information (e.g. Driver’s License, Social Security, etc.)
- Initial Financing Statement File Number is missing or not in proper format
- Fee submitted doesn’t cover recording fee cost
- Having Multiple Action Items Checked (For Amendments, only 1 Action Item (numbers 2 thru 5 and 8) can be checked, per recording
- Improper filing (mentions government agency or entity)
- Box 13 is checked on Initial UCC Financing Statement Amendment (UCC-1Ad) (cannot have REAL ESTATE box checked on Non-REAL ESTATE UCC form)
- Box 1b is checked on Initial UCC Financing Statement Amendment (UCC-3) (cannot have REAL ESTATE box checked on Non-REAL ESTATE UCC form)
Effective January 1, 2017 — Mandatory e-filing of Plats
Pursuant to House Bill 1004, all Plats must be electronically filed though The Clerk's Authority Website. Go to:, register your account as an Individual or Business and go directly to the “File My Plat”.
For Any Additional Assistance
Contact GSCCA Customer Service
(800) 304-5174 or (404) 327-9760
Or e-mail:
Bond, Surety or Cash, must be double the amount of the lien if commercial property or must state residential. Clerk must approve bond before it is recorded. Authority O.C.G.A 44-14-364
Must be filed within 90 days from the date of completion of work or last day materials were furnished. Authority O.C.G.A. 44-14-361
The DeKalb Clerk of Superior Court maintains in our office, copies of military discharge/separation documents (DD-214) for DeKalb residents and provides certified copies for service members at no cost.
Bring the original DD-214, a DD-214 with a raised seal issued by the United States National Personnel Center, or United States Archives form 13038 to our office for recording. Free of charge.
Why is it important to file your DD-214?
Recording your DD-214 will give you an additional location to obtain a copy if the original is misplaced or destroyed. Military service record documents are kept confidential and only the Veteran or their next of kin with proper documentation can retrieve a certified copy, free of charge.
All Veterans from 1950 to present time have a DD-214 issued. Those who served during WWII do not possess a DD-214, should have a Discharge/Separation paper issued between 1941 – 1946 War Department Document No 55-53.
DD-214 is an official record of your service and contains information normally needed to verify time and dates of service, discharge status and other employment or membership benefits.
If you have misplaced these documents and/or they were never recorded at your local courthouse certified copies can be obtained by contacting the National Archives and Records Administration -
Once you record your DD-214, be sure to notify your family or designated representative.
Original documents are recorded immediately and returned. Authority O.C.G.A. 15-6-72.
All Deeds of Conveyance require a PT-61. Payment of transfer tax is required at time of recording if not exempt. Authority O.C.G.A. 48-6-1; 48-6-2. PT-61's available online at Form must be completed online, printed and submitted with deed at time of recording.
ALL deeds of conveyance must have the Tax Parcel ID # shown at the top of the first page to be eligible for recording.
Must be filed within 90 days from date of execution to avoid penalty and interest on intangible tax if the maturity date is more than three years or it is not exempt. Authority O.C.G.A. 48-6-61
Must be filed within 120 days from date of execution to avoid a penalty of $500.00.
A Power of Attorney can be filed through our eFiling system. Please see the approved eFiling links above.
Real Estate Notes
- We do not provide forms for filing
- Documents must be complete before recording.
- Most documents must be signed, witnessed and notarized.
- All deeds of conveyance must have a printed,
complete PT-61 (can be completed online, or in the Real Estate area of the Clerk's office.)
- State Identification is required for any filing.
Georgia Requires Tax Parcel Identification for all DeKalb Property Transfer or Conveyance Filings as of July 1, 2019 in accordance with House Bill 694 (HB 694).
Our real estate records date back to 1842 when the former records were lost in fire.
Click here to read more about the history of the DeKalb County Courthouse.
Helpful Real Estate Links
DeKalb County Clerk of Superior Court
Real Estate Division
Ground Floor
556 N. McDonough Street
Decatur, GA 30030
Monday thru Friday
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Clerk of Superior Court
General Information